All Island Orthopedics specializes in Shoulder & Knee surgeries and offers its services in Hollis Hills New York. Our team is comprised of three orthopedic physicians, Neofitos Stefanides M.D. trained in sports medicine and shoulder reconstruction, Peter Stefanides M.D. who is trained in pain management and Edward Feliciano, who is specialized in orthopedic surgery and orthopedic sports medicine.
All Island Orthopedics in Astoria and Bayside takes surgeries very seriously and keeps up to date with all the latest in the fields in Chondroplasty, Meniscus, Bankart Repair, Shoulder & Knee surgeries, including the most complicated Knee and Shoulder Replacement procedures.
The majority of patients who suffer a traumatic anterior dislocation of their shoulder will tear the fibrocartilage labrum at the front of the shoulder. Many of these patients will go on to develop recurrent instability in their shoulder and keep dislocating. This will have a significant effect on the ability to participate in sport and sometimes also their work. It is the tear in the labrum that is largely responsible for allowing their shoulder to continue to dislocate. All Island Orthopedics in Astoria and Bayside, are specializing in bankart repair. A Bankart repair is an operation for habitual anterior shoulder dislocation.The joint capsule is sewed to the detached glenoid labrum, without duplication of the subscapularis tendon. The procedure is named for the Bankart lesion, a common name for the condition it addresses.
Every surgery requires some preparation. Removing the anxiety is one of our top priorities, from medication and home planning to recovery and rehabilitation, our team of orthopedic physicians are here to help and will guide you through every step.
The All Island Orthopedics team wishes its patients in Hollis Hills a speedy and full recovery.